
I finally got one

Mellow greetings, all. I’ve become another casualty. Albeit, this was a hard lesson learned at Fourty, but information assimilated! But this time, the lesson I’ve learned is gonna stick. I was the GM of a small, local business. 9 employees, revenue in the $500k-$1Mil range annually. I have quite literally put my own sweat equity into someone else’s business for almost the last year. All the while, having to deal with all of the mistakes and fuck ups that had been made before I arrived. We took a 2.1 star review on Google to 4.5 stars in less than a year. The local community loved us, business was rocking and rolling, but all the while the owner is dropping the ball. Making, what I would consider pretty stupid mistakes, for someone that claims to have “been in the business for 25 years.” In some aspects, I believe him. I really…

Mellow greetings, all.

I’ve become another casualty. Albeit, this was a hard lesson learned at Fourty, but information assimilated!

But this time, the lesson I’ve learned is gonna stick.

I was the GM of a small, local business. 9 employees, revenue in the $500k-$1Mil range annually.

I have quite literally put my own sweat equity into someone else’s business for almost the last year. All the while, having to deal with all of the mistakes and fuck ups that had been made before I arrived.

We took a 2.1 star review on Google to 4.5 stars in less than a year. The local community loved us, business was rocking and rolling, but all the while the owner is dropping the ball. Making, what I would consider pretty stupid mistakes, for someone that claims to have “been in the business for 25 years.”

In some aspects, I believe him. I really did, the rest, you couldn’t pay me enough to believe in his competence.

So, after polishing his 20 year old turd, getting into an easy maintenance level, I finally have my fill of his unethical business practices, I resign.

The cherry on the shit sundae, this prick owes me my last paycheck. Going on three weeks now. So, I’m just gonna chock it up that it isn’t coming.

Worst part, he didn’t just do it to me. He did the same thing to another really good dude. Genuinely one of the best humans I know. He, of all people, doesn’t deserve this sort of treatment. Nobody does, but least of all him.

**Im in Texas. All legal and administrative complaints have been filed. I don’t expect much. Simply waiting on financial rebound to pursue litigious avenues.

I said all that, to say this.

Fuck em. Fuck em right in the neck. If it isn’t mutually beneficial for both parties, at all times, make it so or bounce. Don’t EVER rely on these companies or employers to do the “right thing”. They’ll fill your seat before your body is even cold.

And don’t you ever gotdamn dare miss a birthday, or holiday, or any other important life event for these people, when places could treat you that way.

Take your lives back. However you can. I’m going to try and do some of that.

Buena suerte, Amigos and Amigonitas.

I’m pulling for ya. 🤙

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