Pretty much the title……I'm about to go back to work today for the first time in about a week due to Thanksgiving (US) and getting the flu. I'm having a hardddddd time with the idea of just going back to working since being home, even though I've been quite sick the whole time.
I work in a kitchen and was paranoid to call out each time because I knew it'd force another coworker to do my shifts. Eventually I deemed sharing the illness would be worse, so I stayed home. Work demanded a doctor's note for calling out a 2nd day despite them not giving me insurance so I went to urgent care and found out I had the flu. They wrote me a note to be off until today.
I'm anxious, I'm still sore/shaky from being sick, I'm nauseous, and I just don't know how I'm supposed to be mentally okay with this until I can MAYBE retire some day. I'm 25….that's gonna be a long way away. I'm just so frustrated that the only time off I get is Christmas, Thanksgiving, and when I'm sick or request unpaid time off (which they pretty much don't let you request weekends off ever regardless). Why are so many people fine with this or not caring? I look at Indeed all the time trying to see if any job seems tolerable, but they just pay terrible and have shitty hours….
Do any of you work a job you dont entirely hate or that you get less hours with but still okay pay???