
I finally resigned from my job after the miserable salary and above all, the toxicity of the manager and her abusive treatment towards new workers

Two of my friends there have also quite, and they both have their reasons (which are the same as mine). Since it’s a place only British drunk tourists visit and few locals go to (because they know about it as a shitty place), their page in google maps still has 3.6 in rating. Edit: I live in Spain and I am not American. I thought it would be interesting to share my story Edit: To give you examples of her treatment towards us. Constant threats (as in, do this well or you’ll be fired), literally complaining all the time we have a lot of tickets to prepare and instead of helping she just starts using every disgusting word to show how bad we are, talking in our backs, yes she literally talks in the back of her own employees and criticizes them, and in top of that, yesterday something disgusting…

Two of my friends there have also quite, and they both have their reasons (which are the same as mine).

Since it’s a place only British drunk tourists visit and few locals go to (because they know about it as a shitty place), their page in google maps still has 3.6 in rating.

Edit: I live in Spain and I am not American. I thought it would be interesting to share my story

Edit: To give you examples of her treatment towards us. Constant threats (as in, do this well or you’ll be fired), literally complaining all the time we have a lot of tickets to prepare and instead of helping she just starts using every disgusting word to show how bad we are, talking in our backs, yes she literally talks in the back of her own employees and criticizes them, and in top of that, yesterday something disgusting happened when they didn’t allow a kid to buy there for no reason whatsoever (I just know he is an immigrant).

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