
I flip burgers

7 hours a day, 4 days a week. My three days off are consecutive. I live 5 minutes from work and wake up 15 minutes before i have to be there. If i’m a few minutes late, my manager clocks me in at the right time anyway because he knows i’ll always show up. I get off work in the early afternoon and spend time at the gym, in nature, or with friends, or trying various side hustles for some disposable income. My job pays me about $350-$500 a week depending on if i pick up extra shifts. My rent and utilities combined are $800 a month. My one bedroom apartment is incredibly small and doesnt even have a vent over the stove. After groceries, gas, phone, wifi, CC payment, gym, HBO max, smokes and weed i don’t have much left but i don’t really need to spend any more…

7 hours a day, 4 days a week. My three days off are consecutive. I live 5 minutes from work and wake up 15 minutes before i have to be there. If i’m a few minutes late, my manager clocks me in at the right time anyway because he knows i’ll always show up. I get off work in the early afternoon and spend time at the gym, in nature, or with friends, or trying various side hustles for some disposable income. My job pays me about $350-$500 a week depending on if i pick up extra shifts. My rent and utilities combined are $800 a month. My one bedroom apartment is incredibly small and doesnt even have a vent over the stove. After groceries, gas, phone, wifi, CC payment, gym, HBO max, smokes and weed i don’t have much left but i don’t really need to spend any more money for the month. I have aspirations to write a graphic novel but lack the artistic talent. I have never been to college.

This subreddit has taught me that there are people making six figures a year that would trade places with me in a heartbeat. I am generally happy, chasing my dreams at my own pace and aside from my ~$4k in cc debt nothing in life is difficult or stressful.

The point of this post is: do not think you are less than because you have an “unskilled” job, or don’t make much money. Don’t let tik tok brainwash you into thinking you’re doomed to a shit life. Happiness exists everywhere if you reach out and grab it.

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