
I found my coworkers “stash of files” against me

Linda is in her 60’s— primed in her high school days and I’m in my 20’s just working in a tight knit office. Linda roams around trying to turn any new people against me and 50% of that worked; Linda befriends all these people who are half her age (my age) the other 50% doesn’t. One of the new girls (whom I befriended) finally confronts Linda for her cold, callous attitude and Linda reacts telling her that she has a case build on the new girl and on me, the OP. One day, I see a file with my name on it, opened it and found 0. Nothing. Nada. There is nothing I’ve done to her, other than a time stamp of me on the camera chatting with the new girl (no audio) and her word saying that I was gossiping about Linda with the new girl. I love my…

Linda is in her 60’s— primed in her high school days and I’m in my 20’s just working in a tight knit office. Linda roams around trying to turn any new people against me and 50% of that worked; Linda befriends all these people who are half her age (my age) the other 50% doesn’t. One of the new girls (whom I befriended) finally confronts Linda for her cold, callous attitude and Linda reacts telling her that she has a case build on the new girl and on me, the OP. One day, I see a file with my name on it, opened it and found 0. Nothing. Nada. There is nothing I’ve done to her, other than a time stamp of me on the camera chatting with the new girl (no audio) and her word saying that I was gossiping about Linda with the new girl.

I love my job. frankly, i do not care if this office doesn’t like me. I’m not going to retire here and If I do, who cares what these people think? — these people are miserable outside of work and project their insecurities onto me. I don’t care for the new people that took her side, because they can’t form their own opinions on someone clearly.

I just wish things were different and people actually had better work ethic, but these mind games is what makes me hate the concept of work. I’m tired on putting on a brave face and pretending to be alright. Yes I know HR won’t do anything and supervisors are all buddy buddy with these childish adults. I’m just exhausted. Thanks for hearing my venting.

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