
I found out today that my former boss thought I gave the bare minimum at work

Within a year I've been laid off twice from the same company. I am considering going back to school as this is the only way to gain more experience in my industry since no one has the time of day or care to train someone with very beginner experience. The market is bad, and my health insurance has nearly tripled. I have been considering every option when it comes to entry level work in my industry. From contract jobs to a huge cut in pay than what I used to make for similar jobs. I asked my former boss for a letter of rec, and she wanted to meet to go over the program and such. In general, when I worked at my last job, she was known to be a micromanager. She would knit pick me for emails I wrote that she didn't like. I used to spend a…

Within a year I've been laid off twice from the same company. I am considering going back to school as this is the only way to gain more experience in my industry since no one has the time of day or care to train someone with very beginner experience. The market is bad, and my health insurance has nearly tripled. I have been considering every option when it comes to entry level work in my industry. From contract jobs to a huge cut in pay than what I used to make for similar jobs.

I asked my former boss for a letter of rec, and she wanted to meet to go over the program and such. In general, when I worked at my last job, she was known to be a micromanager. She would knit pick me for emails I wrote that she didn't like. I used to spend a couple hours trying to concoct an email with the right wording, and once, upon asking her to basically give me an example, she came over to my desk and basically told me that I need to think outside the box. I want to mention I have asd level 1 and adhd, so I struggle in the workplace a bit more. Sometimes I think I will be giving it my all, only to find that it wasn't good enough.

Well come today when I met up with my former boss, she didn't exactly have very many nice things to say about me. Essentially I was told I delivered the bare minimum and didn't ask a lot of questions. I'm a bit hurt feelings. She even insinuated how I am not doing enough while being laid off. I'm not sure how much of myself I can give away before triggering a meltdown of some sort. I'm just so tired of trying, only to be punished for it.

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