
I get burned out and quit/get fired around 6 months into a job

At around 6 months into a job, when I’m fully trained, I start to get extremely depressed. I work and try so hard to fix this, but it seems inevitable every time. My performance starts dropping, and I start spiralling about this because of my past experiences. I go to therapy, I try my best to maintain a work life balance but work takes over eventually. Then I either get fired, or have a complete breakdown and quit because I feel I have no other option than quitting. I’m open about my mental health in work to make my managers aware of the situation and why my performance is dropping. My last job I was royally screwed over by my manager and this has caused so much work anxiety. I don’t understand how I can get out of this pattern when it’s been happening for 6 years. I feel like…

At around 6 months into a job, when I’m fully trained, I start to get extremely depressed. I work and try so hard to fix this, but it seems inevitable every time.
My performance starts dropping, and I start spiralling about this because of my past experiences. I go to therapy, I try my best to maintain a work life balance but work takes over eventually. Then I either get fired, or have a complete breakdown and quit because I feel I have no other option than quitting.
I’m open about my mental health in work to make my managers aware of the situation and why my performance is dropping. My last job I was royally screwed over by my manager and this has caused so much work anxiety.
I don’t understand how I can get out of this pattern when it’s been happening for 6 years. I feel like I physically and mentally cannot work. I can’t afford to shorten my hours, and I have no time or capacity to work on my skills or take a course to find a better paying job.

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