
I get paid by the hour so I took “Bathroom breaks” to add more time to my clock

Bosses tell you to work fast but I'm not getting paid by how much product I make. I get paid on how much time I spend at work. If I was ballsy enough, I'd slip in, clock in, then spend the next few hours doing whatever before slipping back in to clock out. There's no guard or locked door at my factory, so it'd be so easy to flat out “steal” company on occasion. Anyway, a senior worker told me that they were running out of work to pass down so I should slow down on what I was working on. I got some Gatorade from the vending machine and pretended it was sending me to the bathroom every 50 minutes.

Bosses tell you to work fast but I'm not getting paid by how much product I make. I get paid on how much time I spend at work. If I was ballsy enough, I'd slip in, clock in, then spend the next few hours doing whatever before slipping back in to clock out. There's no guard or locked door at my factory, so it'd be so easy to flat out “steal” company on occasion. Anyway, a senior worker told me that they were running out of work to pass down so I should slow down on what I was working on. I got some Gatorade from the vending machine and pretended it was sending me to the bathroom every 50 minutes.

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