
I got a “raise”

I recently got a $20,000/yr raise and I STILL am living paycheck to paycheck. It doesn’t feel like a raise at all but a weak cost of living adjustment. To add insult to injury, In my area my partner and I are considered in the “top 10%” income bracket which is absolutely horrifying. You’d think “top 10%” has it made but we are barely staying afloat. I honestly don’t know how much longer people can withstand this insanity.

I recently got a $20,000/yr raise and I STILL am living paycheck to paycheck. It doesn’t feel like a raise at all but a weak cost of living adjustment.

To add insult to injury, In my area my partner and I are considered in the “top 10%” income bracket which is absolutely horrifying. You’d think “top 10%” has it made but we are barely staying afloat. I honestly don’t know how much longer people can withstand this insanity.

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