
I got fired and I am screwed

I got fired last friday out of the blue. I was not expecting it. If I knew it was coming i would have done things differently, for example not getting my hair dyed, waiting to adopt my cat ( but now that i have her you can take her from me over my cold dead fingers) and start job hunting a lot sooner. I am freaked out and on the verge of tears of how I am going to live. I dont have a lot in savings because well I didnt have fucking time to save. I also cant go back to my abusive mother. I didnt have time to develop that nest egg. Now i am stuck trying to get a loan while unemployed because who fucking knows how long i am going to be unemployed and I cant trust that i am going to be eligible for unemployment.…

I got fired last friday out of the blue. I was not expecting it. If I knew it was coming i would have done things differently, for example not getting my hair dyed, waiting to adopt my cat ( but now that i have her you can take her from me over my cold dead fingers) and start job hunting a lot sooner. I am freaked out and on the verge of tears of how I am going to live. I dont have a lot in savings because well I didnt have fucking time to save. I also cant go back to my abusive mother. I didnt have time to develop that nest egg. Now i am stuck trying to get a loan while unemployed because who fucking knows how long i am going to be unemployed and I cant trust that i am going to be eligible for unemployment. I didnt do anything illegal. They just fired me without a fucking PIP. Without warning,

I work in tech and I am a TRUE JUNIOR DEVELOPER. They discouraged asking for help. No matter how stuck you were they expected you to dig yourself out on your own. I would be stuck on the same error for days with no team around to help out. Google wasnt always helpful and neither was chatgpt which just took me around in circles most of the time. They also expected you to understand their corporate mumbo jumbo and know what the hell the clients were saying and respond to them.

Right now I feel incredibly hopeless.

it is totally unreasonable that a company can fire you without warning leaving you ineligible for unemployment and you are expected to just deal with it, with the tech industry being a mess how is this possible

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