
I got fired for “attitude”

So I've been working this job for a while, maybe a bit under 5 months. I've had no issues with the job, been told I do great by management, am liked by customers, etc. I've been talked to about an issue once, which I can easily explain away as a miscommunication/misunderstanding; basically I didn't know who the owner was and that pissed him off. Not that I was rude to him at all! My manager even ended that conversation thanking me for being mature and not taking anything personally about the interaction. This, I can't help but take a little personally. I got fired for picking up my water bottle. Let me explain, I had worked a shift, went home, and was on my way out the door somewhere, when I realized I had packed everything I needed except my water bottle, which I had left at work. No biggie,…

So I've been working this job for a while, maybe a bit under 5 months. I've had no issues with the job, been told I do great by management, am liked by customers, etc.
I've been talked to about an issue once, which I can easily explain away as a miscommunication/misunderstanding; basically I didn't know who the owner was and that pissed him off. Not that I was rude to him at all! My manager even ended that conversation thanking me for being mature and not taking anything personally about the interaction.

This, I can't help but take a little personally.
I got fired for picking up my water bottle.

Let me explain, I had worked a shift, went home, and was on my way out the door somewhere, when I realized I had packed everything I needed except my water bottle, which I had left at work. No biggie, I live a 5 minute drive away, but still, I'm running late now, so I drive over, walk in, not even into the back, reach over the front desk/counter, grab my water bottle. I can see my fellow workers helping customers, and as I said, I was in a bit of a hurry, didn't want to stay and chat for 15 minutes as I had just gotten off, didn't want to disturb anyone, so I just picked it up, waved it a bit, to say “hey, I just came for this, goodnight,” whatever right? Swear to god I was in the store for less than a MINUTE. I didn't walk in with a scary or intimidating look on my face or anything, I'm a small female, I don't look physically intimidating, ever. When I'm mad I don't express being mad, when I'm mad, I just don't go out of my way to be nice or say hi to everyone I see. I wasn't rude, I didn't really say anything, like I said, was in there for less than a minute.

So I was getting ready for my shift yesterday, maybe an hour before, and my manager texts me, hey, can I call in 10 minutes for a quick chat? Sure, why not. She tells me there was someone in the store during that quick less than a minute who knows management who reported me for “attitude.” Her hands are tied she says. I'll get paid for this and next week but don't have to show up.

So yeah. I got fired for “attitude.” I think I'm still in a bit of shock to be honest.

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