
I got fired from a job I moved for

So a little background I work in a very niche field. I have my BS in a science and have plenty of job experience. I wanted to move up in my field so I go a new job that was across the country in a more particular field that paid a bit more than my current. I was hired in a “junior” position because I am new to this particular field and wanted a job that was going to fully train me in this area so that I can eventually be a “senior”. During the interview this was a big reason as to why I chose this job, because they said it would take about 2yrs to fully train me and so on, nice! I worked there for 3 months (not even a full 90 days) and I was let go because of work performance. Here’s why this isn’t accurate,…

So a little background I work in a very niche field. I have my BS in a science and have plenty of job experience. I wanted to move up in my field so I go a new job that was across the country in a more particular field that paid a bit more than my current. I was hired in a “junior” position because I am new to this particular field and wanted a job that was going to fully train me in this area so that I can eventually be a “senior”. During the interview this was a big reason as to why I chose this job, because they said it would take about 2yrs to fully train me and so on, nice!
I worked there for 3 months (not even a full 90 days) and I was let go because of work performance. Here’s why this isn’t accurate, don’t get me wrong I wasn’t the best, I can admit that, but also hence why I took a junior training position in the first place. Secondly, one of the staff quit shorty after I was hired and they no longer had the staffing to train anyone, no way they could have saw that coming, but regardless I already moved across the country and got a lease and everything. About a week later I was called into the office to be let go. I told my manager I was confused because just the day before they made a comment about how I was doing so well and how I’ve improved so much since being there and how I’m ready to be signed off and how I’m making great progress. To which my supervisor said “yes I know that’s true…” To which I know it’s wasn’t her decision, it was the manager of our department for the whole company. But overall I’m just pissed I uprooted my life to move out here for this job just for them to let me go when it was no longer conviene for them.

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