
I got fired right after coming back from leave

A few days ago, after showing up at work after my leave, my manager informed me that the employer will be terminating my contract. Apparently, they used my absence as an opportunity to “review my work.” Now, things weren't exactly… pleasant at work as of late. I was hired in September last year, and shortly after my manager got replaced by a new hire. Things were somewhat calm until April when the employer introduced new tools designed to “monitor productivity.” During the Teams meeting, the higher-ups assured that those are purely for us, so that we can see how productive we are. Yeah… right. What followed from April to September was a constant nagging by my manager over the smallest of things. Now, my productivity rates were always somewhat decent, but there was always something my manager would complain about. All of this, of course, contributed greatly to my stress…

A few days ago, after showing up at work after my leave, my manager informed me that the employer will be terminating my contract. Apparently, they used my absence as an opportunity to “review my work.”

Now, things weren't exactly… pleasant at work as of late. I was hired in September last year, and shortly after my manager got replaced by a new hire. Things were somewhat calm until April when the employer introduced new tools designed to “monitor productivity.” During the Teams meeting, the higher-ups assured that those are purely for us, so that we can see how productive we are. Yeah… right.

What followed from April to September was a constant nagging by my manager over the smallest of things. Now, my productivity rates were always somewhat decent, but there was always something my manager would complain about. All of this, of course, contributed greatly to my stress levels and mental health.

I was really relieved when my scheduled holiday arrived. I would rest for the first two weeks of September and come back more motivated. And I did come back motivated.

Only to get greeted by a termination notice. Among reasons listed were “low work quality,” and the aforementioned “complaints” by my manager. Frankly, this whole thing has been beyond degrading. I know my work was high quality because my manager chose me for various projects multiple times. I did work that exceeded what was contractually required of me, not to mention unpaid additional tasks.

So yeah. Fuck corporations lmao

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