
I got fired today…

You guys might remember my post about my supervisor drug testing me some time ago. I should have heeded the many warnings that came from you guys and from my partner that they were out for me. I came into work like any other day. Set my laptop up at my desk, check my emails, but it was a slow morning so I had nothing to do, but the vibe was weird, soft hellos and no one asking me how the weekend was. I was sick all weekend long so I went to the bathroom for about 10-15 mins then out to the car to get my lotion (new tattoo) and my dayqul. I came back and sat at my desk. My supervisor calls me into her office. She says, “Good morning, how are you?” “A little under the weather still” I reply. “Oh no, well you're terminated from your…

You guys might remember my post about my supervisor drug testing me some time ago. I should have heeded the many warnings that came from you guys and from my partner that they were out for me.

I came into work like any other day. Set my laptop up at my desk, check my emails, but it was a slow morning so I had nothing to do, but the vibe was weird, soft hellos and no one asking me how the weekend was. I was sick all weekend long so I went to the bathroom for about 10-15 mins then out to the car to get my lotion (new tattoo) and my dayqul. I came back and sat at my desk. My supervisor calls me into her office.

She says, “Good morning, how are you?”

“A little under the weather still” I reply.

“Oh no, well you're terminated from your position.”

Basically, she had been watching me like a hawk and keeping track of all my badge outs and ins, informing me that leaving our desk for anything requires us to clock out (which was the first time I heard of that). She claimed it was part of the “talk” we had and I failed to adhere to that as well as not clocking in my lunches and clocking out from home (which I was told to do during training if I was dropping off packages) apparently all of this had changed and only applied to me as I pointed out to her that she and her office minions would sometimes take 4 hour long lunches and I doubt that was clocked as a lunch on those days while I just ate at my desk. I asked why none of this was clarified before my termination and she simply claimed that it did even though that previous discussion was about my medication making me drowsy which hadn't happened in over a month since I stopped taking it. I want to clarify that everything I did was done by everyone else in the office except for my medication issue which I solved yet I was still targeted and fired.

I should've seen this coming, but I enjoyed my job and always finished well before deadlines and put my all into my work. Now I don't know when I'm going to find another job. We were finally climbing out of the hole we were in and now idk if I'll be able to pay rent or electricity or phone

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