
I got fired today for administering Narcan to someone.

Rant: I work as a community outreach worker. It’s policy to not administer Narcan. I did it anyways because I had gloves on to roll the guy into the recovery position. He had blood all over his face and nose so the other people close by and the person who had been carrying it were hesitant to do it. The person on the phone with 911 said the dispatched wanted us to administer it. I wasn’t on our companies property and didn’t want to watch this guy die so I bit the bullet and did it. I knew I had broken policy but I didn’t want to watch a guy die from an OD for the second time on this job. I got fired for saving a life because it was against policy. I’m livid and terrified. I have no savings because I’m in so much debt. I just paid…

Rant: I work as a community outreach worker. It’s policy to not administer Narcan. I did it anyways because I had gloves on to roll the guy into the recovery position. He had blood all over his face and nose so the other people close by and the person who had been carrying it were hesitant to do it. The person on the phone with 911 said the dispatched wanted us to administer it. I wasn’t on our companies property and didn’t want to watch this guy die so I bit the bullet and did it. I knew I had broken policy but I didn’t want to watch a guy die from an OD for the second time on this job.

I got fired for saving a life because it was against policy. I’m livid and terrified. I have no savings because I’m in so much debt. I just paid rent and have less than $100 dollars to my name

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