
I got ghosted for another interview. Again

Why is this such a common practice? They contacted me to set up an interview, I set up said interview. And they don’t even show up? They don’t even contact me back when I call and text them? If I did this shit before an interview it’d be an entire issue. I set aside my time on my one day off to do this and I get ghosted. I’ve been at my current job for a year. I’m a baker at an old folk’s home. I hate my job because I’m treated poorly, and am expected to take the fall for every mistake I don’t even make. I’m overworked and making barely enough to survive. I’m not in management, and yet I’m expected to make sure our servers do their job when it’s not in my job description . I’m expected to pick up the slack of other job positions…

Why is this such a common practice? They contacted me to set up an interview, I set up said interview. And they don’t even show up? They don’t even contact me back when I call and text them? If I did this shit before an interview it’d be an entire issue. I set aside my time on my one day off to do this and I get ghosted.

I’ve been at my current job for a year. I’m a baker at an old folk’s home. I hate my job because I’m treated poorly, and am expected to take the fall for every mistake I don’t even make. I’m overworked and making barely enough to survive. I’m not in management, and yet I’m expected to make sure our servers do their job when it’s not in my job description . I’m expected to pick up the slack of other job positions when from the time I clock in from the time I leave, I am stacked with work, and they expect me to add more onto my job because I need to be a “team player.” I’m just a baker. I make bread, multiple different types of cookies, multiple major desserts, jello, you name it I have to make it. I am so burnt out and overworked since I’m literally the only baker. Literally. I have no life outside of work since I literally work all day. Get home at 7 pm and I get 2 hours before I have to go to bed. I work rotating weekends, and the week. Like this week I only get today off. I’m tired of being abused under management and having no life.

I have applied to so many jobs these past couple months I’ve lost count. Each interview I’ve been promised, I’ve been ghosted. I have a good resume, even applied for photography jobs because I have a portfolio. I’ve had people look over my resume and they’ve had little to no notes, I submit those stupid cover letters, even though they’ve gotta be the dumbest shit ever like I want this job cause I need money, I shouldn’t have to kiss your ass for a job. Everyone’s hiring but no one wants to hire. Wtf is up with the lack of communication with the hiring process? Which is already a nightmare as is.

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