
I got hired for a new hotel front-end job, but they want me to pay for the uniform to work??? Homeless.

I ran into tough times the end of 2021 and ended up homeless by end of march 2022. Being out here in small town Kansas, since I lost my previously place it has taken a long time to find any job openings as jobs don't care about the people at rock bottom. Despite what many think most shelters just do bare minimum and throw you at the wolves without much real help, and being that towns here are spread out I'm confined to one place. Maybe this might be different in a Megacity like Chicago but not here. HOWEVER, after persisting I was finally fortunate enough to find on my own a job that took 2 tough weeks to get through the interview and background processes, but I was finally hired and I finally got a job to help me get back on my feet. But it turned out that…

I ran into tough times the end of 2021 and ended up homeless by end of march 2022. Being out here in small town Kansas, since I lost my previously place it has taken a long time to find any job openings as jobs don't care about the people at rock bottom. Despite what many think most shelters just do bare minimum and throw you at the wolves without much real help, and being that towns here are spread out I'm confined to one place. Maybe this might be different in a Megacity like Chicago but not here.

HOWEVER, after persisting I was finally fortunate enough to find on my own a job that took 2 tough weeks to get through the interview and background processes, but I was finally hired and I finally got a job to help me get back on my feet. But it turned out that it wouldn't be that simple.

I got hired at a local hotel chain as front-end staff, today was the first day for me to come in with my social and ID, do some background training, and have the Hotel expectations given to me before I start my full shifts on Tuesday.

This is when I learned that I wasn't given some pretty important information, that I had to pay for my own uniform, a Red shirt all-button, brown dress shoes with slip resistance, and belt (I already have one pair of black pants which they also require). Apparently this is commonplace. The idea is that I buy the uniform and they give me this item you wrap around your neck to hang your name tag, I forgot what its called but I'm sure people here know, I've seen retail and office workers wearing them before. The company only provides that and an ear-piece but not the uniform itself. Despite telling me during the interviews they would give me everything I would need to work.

This is a major obstacle for me because the cheapest place I can get these items costs $84 to buy at a local store. My location doesn't have the convenience of common store chains your probably thinking of Like Walmart, Kmart, or Target, and as I said the shelter does not provide, just the bare minimum of being open overnight then kicking people out in the morning. I looked at thrift stores, but professional clothing like this is rarely found outside of overcoats, and the churches nearby only have food pantries (that anyone, even people with money can walk into, which irritates the hell out of me) but not clothing unless it's for children.

I am already am struggling to do odd jobs to save money so I can renew my gym membership in a couple weeks (60 for 4 months) as that's the only way I can get showers and I don't have half that yet. I do have professional clothes, but they don't match what the company requires which took me by surprise because they never mentioned this before until today, the first day of training.

What I don't understand is, they knew I was homeless when I was hired because I walked 45 minutes to this location by myself and pleaded with them for the job mentioning my situation. I had worked in hospitality before years ago so had some experience, and told them I could get well acquainted right away, that along with two good interviews got me hired. So they already knew. So how exactly am I supposed to pay $84 for the uniform without any source of income? I don't have credit, there's no one else to lean on it's just me.

Is paying in order to work the new thing now? The worst part about this is I need this job to get my life back in order, because it already took over a year to get after struggling trying to get something, any job lined up, but with no support I am confused what to do. I'm also confused why they would hire me and not tell me this until late, knowing already after I worked hard to push for this job, that I was in a shelter.

I'm supposed to have my first real workday on Tuesday, and they won't meet with me halfway on another way to do this, they told me I have to have the uniform or I forfeit the job. Again, they told me during the interview I would receive everything I need to get started fast because they needed people, but instead, I have to get it myself.

How am I supposed to do this?

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