
I got laid off and they haven’t given me any paperwork or discussed severance. What should I do?

It was a 'pack your shit and leave right now' situation. First time for me. It's downsizing. I didn't do anything but I have nothing in writing though I did ask for that already. My contact nor the employee handbook says anything about severance or paying out PTO. This place is so sketchy I'm actually concerned about not receiving my final paycheck. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm so overwhelmed and in shock. Would appreciate any advice. Keep in mind, these people really are terrible humans, and I do not trust them to do the right thing. They have a history of fucking people over. I'm expecting the worst. Hoping for whatever normal looks like in this situation. Thank you.

It was a 'pack your shit and leave right now' situation. First time for me. It's downsizing. I didn't do anything but I have nothing in writing though I did ask for that already.

My contact nor the employee handbook says anything about severance or paying out PTO. This place is so sketchy I'm actually concerned about not receiving my final paycheck.

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm so overwhelmed and in shock. Would appreciate any advice. Keep in mind, these people really are terrible humans, and I do not trust them to do the right thing. They have a history of fucking people over. I'm expecting the worst. Hoping for whatever normal looks like in this situation. Thank you.

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