
I got sick last week.

I came down with a very severe ear infection. Bad enough to make my doctor say “Whoa.” and “That made me cringe seeing and to know how uncomfortable you must be.” He didn’t let me leave until I got a steroid/ antibiotic shot. I communicated with my manager. I’ve definitely seen worse than this on here but alas, here’s the outcome. Now I really feel as though I shout not try and “power through” and give him a middle finger. I’m only willing because the rest of my team really does need my help because they’re all drowning. Not because of my time off but because the company processes and procedures suck and old man manager doesn’t want anything to change. Anyway. I charismatically embrace and welcome being fired from this company so I can collect unemployment from them and have some time to finish some projects. I feel like…

I came down with a very severe ear infection. Bad enough to make my doctor say “Whoa.” and “That made me cringe seeing and to know how uncomfortable you must be.” He didn’t let me leave until I got a steroid/ antibiotic shot.
I communicated with my manager. I’ve definitely seen worse than this on here but alas, here’s the outcome. Now I really feel as though I shout not try and “power through” and give him a middle finger. I’m only willing because the rest of my team really does need my help because they’re all drowning. Not because of my time off but because the company processes and procedures suck and old man manager doesn’t want anything to change. Anyway. I charismatically embrace and welcome being fired from this company so I can collect unemployment from them and have some time to finish some projects. I feel like we all are living the same Truman show lives.

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