
I got told off by my supervisor for not contributing to a co-worker’s going away party. I’m going to donate plasma tomorrow just to pay off past due bills.

Hi, it's me again, the gal who got screwed out of a bonus anywhere between $500-$1500 after being told for months on end by my supervisor (and the director, their boss) that we would get this bonus on the 15th. I make $18 an hour, in a state where the minimum wage is $12. My co-workers have told me that I make “good” money for my age/position in customer service. I make “too much” for SNAP or any type of government help and some weeks I am straight up relying on food banks and church pantries to keep my child and myself fed. A co-worker of mine in a different department is leaving this company after 30+ years and is retiring. Good for them! An email went out last week that anyone who wanted to attend the going away party today, needed to contribute “at least $20” towards a gift…

Hi, it's me again, the gal who got screwed out of a bonus anywhere between $500-$1500 after being told for months on end by my supervisor (and the director, their boss) that we would get this bonus on the 15th.

I make $18 an hour, in a state where the minimum wage is $12. My co-workers have told me that I make “good” money for my age/position in customer service. I make “too much” for SNAP or any type of government help and some weeks I am straight up relying on food banks and church pantries to keep my child and myself fed.

A co-worker of mine in a different department is leaving this company after 30+ years and is retiring. Good for them! An email went out last week that anyone who wanted to attend the going away party today, needed to contribute “at least $20” towards a gift card and we were “highly encouraged” to bring a food item.

I told my supervisor that I just…could not do it. This was before we received the news we weren't getting a bonus. Now that we aren't getting a bonus, I DEFINETELY could not afford to donate twenty dollars plus money and time on groceries and cooking something or buying something pre made for this going away party. I told my supervisor I'd stay back and keep the office open and just not attend.

Today my supervisor stopped me and asked why hadn't I included my name on the spreadsheet or had given her the funds to contribute to this going away party. I looked at like she had 3 heads and reminded her that I could. not. afford to participate and she accused me of never telling her that. I told her that tomorrow, I'm going to go donate plasma just to have some extra money because again, we were promised for MONTHS that we'd get this fucking bonus and I was going to use it to pay off past due bills and buy a christmas tree for our shitty apartment and actually get my daughter a few presents under that tree. My dumb ass didn't sign up for toys for tots or any other charities like I've done in the past because I was counting on that bonus on the 15t (and I know it was stupid of me to count those eggs before they hatched. I didn't expect the gut punch of not getting it) I've had to reach out to the local churches in my area just to see if I can be sponsored for a christmas dinner or something because of how genuinely fucked over I feel/am over not getting this bonus

My supervisor then tried to guilt trip me and said “well I hope for the next event you'll be able to contribute because otherwise you don't look like a team player”

I told her that I hope that BioLife will let me donate enough plasma to pay my bills and keep me afloat until we get this possible 2% raise sometime in January.

This is such bullshit. I've already updated my resume and submitted a couple job applications to different places but I am so beyond done with this bullshit.

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