
I got written up back in August for a myriad of things, including using the restroom and was criticized last week for still using the restroom

Sup ya'll So back in August I was written up at my work. I feel like it was unjust and that my new manager despises me but whatever. She wrote me up for being late often (I'm usually a minute late or two, but I'm early just as often) and lately I have made it a point to be early (I clock in early so oh well). I was also written up for “excessive bathroom use” and when I asked for a written elaboration I was told that I use the bathroom 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time. I said that this was untrue, it's usually 10 at most if that…but that I have digestive issues. I don't have an official doctor's diagnosis or anything but I'm not in there wasting time, if you know what I mean? I was told to cut it down to…

Sup ya'll

So back in August I was written up at my work. I feel like it was unjust and that my new manager despises me but whatever. She wrote me up for being late often (I'm usually a minute late or two, but I'm early just as often) and lately I have made it a point to be early (I clock in early so oh well). I was also written up for “excessive bathroom use” and when I asked for a written elaboration I was told that I use the bathroom 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time. I said that this was untrue, it's usually 10 at most if that…but that I have digestive issues. I don't have an official doctor's diagnosis or anything but I'm not in there wasting time, if you know what I mean? I was told to cut it down to 1 time per day. Whatever.

Well I still need to use the restroom and often times. Other people do as well, I don't think I'm unique in that. However, this manager criticized me the other day and said to me, “you've been improving on your punctuality but you still are in the restroom often. You need to work on this still…we've had a discussion, next would be termination, just a fair warning.”

I am FAIRLY certain that I can't be terminated for bathroom use but I don't really know where else to ask about this. Can anyone provide me some incite into this? Tbh the job has become incredibly toxic over the last three months so getting terminated wouldn't be the worst, I just need to pay my rent and bills…

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