
I got written up because of the teachers issue

Hey everyone! So I’m an instructor at an art college. I teach 3D animation. Well recently one of my classes I didn’t have the full knowledge on so we brought in a teacher who knew the full material and I was just kind of his sideman. Well at the beginning of the term we discussed that I would be grading there attendance, professionalism, and engagement. While HE said he would grade there assignments. Sounds like a fair deal right? Well cue yesterday as it’s the end of term. This guy goes “so do you have all the grades?” I said yes and handed him MY PORTION OF THE GRADING. He literally goes “why haven’t you graded the assignments?!!” And now I’m being written up even after telling everyone we discussed this. I hate work culture

Hey everyone!

So I’m an instructor at an art college. I teach 3D animation. Well recently one of my classes I didn’t have the full knowledge on so we brought in a teacher who knew the full material and I was just kind of his sideman.

Well at the beginning of the term we discussed that I would be grading there attendance, professionalism, and engagement. While HE said he would grade there assignments. Sounds like a fair deal right?

Well cue yesterday as it’s the end of term. This guy goes “so do you have all the grades?” I said yes and handed him MY PORTION OF THE GRADING. He literally goes “why haven’t you graded the assignments?!!” And now I’m being written up even after telling everyone we discussed this.

I hate work culture

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