
I got written up for the first time.

I’m 22 and started my first in-person role in late August. I got an ankle injury and had to leave work early. Another time I had to go to the ER during work because I was having a hard time breathing. I then got an infection that if I didn’t take care of myself, could develop into pneumonia again. I also took absences from work as my uncle who I view as my grandfather and am super close to, had lung, liver, and kidney cancer. It progressed rapidly and he passed. I watched him be his normal, strong self to slowly dying and in pain. I had a hard time. I still am. I had a 1:1 with my manager and he gave me my papers. I was hurt. From the start, my team had told me health and family come first. So I opened up to them and was…

I’m 22 and started my first in-person role in late August.

I got an ankle injury and had to leave work early. Another time I had to go to the ER during work because I was having a hard time breathing. I then got an infection that if I didn’t take care of myself, could develop into pneumonia again.

I also took absences from work as my uncle who I view as my grandfather and am super close to, had lung, liver, and kidney cancer. It progressed rapidly and he passed. I watched him be his normal, strong self to slowly dying and in pain. I had a hard time. I still am.

I had a 1:1 with my manager and he gave me my papers. I was hurt. From the start, my team had told me health and family come first. So I opened up to them and was vulnerable: I have a weak immune system (low WBC count) and my uncle had cancer. He asked me if I had any questions, and in tears I asked, “Can you clarify? I mean, I didn’t plan to get sick, I didn’t want my uncle to get cancer and die.” I started sobbing uncontrollably and cried for two hours after as I drove home at the end of my shift.

Even more so, I hate my job. It’s unfulfilling and the job description was misleading. The pay is great, but I’m not learning anything. I’m new in the workforce and stress about not getting experience. I wish I went with another offer. I wish I chose a remote job.

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