
I had to call 911 but boss focuses on bureaucracy

Part of my job is making deliveries. One site in particular is in a sketchy part of town. I usually stop there between 4 and 4:30 am. Today, a woman stood in the street and I had to stop so I wouldn’t hit her. While I was stopped, a man chased her around my car while she was desperately asking for help, crying, and trying to get in my car. The man was yelling and angry. I called the cops because she was more scared of the man than she was by possibly being hit by a car. When I got back to work, we got a phone call notifying us that I had left part of my delivery at the wrong place. I’m supposed to scan my deliveries as I make them but I was so upset and flustered that I’d neglected to do so. My boss was more…

Part of my job is making deliveries. One site in particular is in a sketchy part of town. I usually stop there between 4 and 4:30 am. Today, a woman stood in the street and I had to stop so I wouldn’t hit her. While I was stopped, a man chased her around my car while she was desperately asking for help, crying, and trying to get in my car. The man was yelling and angry. I called the cops because she was more scared of the man than she was by possibly being hit by a car.

When I got back to work, we got a phone call notifying us that I had left part of my delivery at the wrong place. I’m supposed to scan my deliveries as I make them but I was so upset and flustered that I’d neglected to do so. My boss was more concerned about my failure to scan than she was about me having a situation serious enough to warrant a call to the police. I’m seriously unhappy with my boss right now and needed to vent.

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