
I had to disclose my mental disabilities at work due to my manager under training me then blaming me for my lack.

I also posted this on r/legaladvice and please be warned that this post is LONG. I recently started working for a therapy company in July of this year, 2023. Since then, I’ve had both my 30-day and 60-day reviews. They were both below satisfactory. I have never had this issue in previous positions I’ve held so I’m not sure why any of these issues are coming up. The list is a bit long. Here are a few things that have happened in the last almost 3 months: My boss clearly plays favorites and has responded to my counterpart in a more cheerful way. Their responses to my questions have always seemed monotone. There is a clear difference in the way they responded to my questions when we communicate via an online communication platform. I have been made to feel like a burden to the team by asking so many questions…

I also posted this on r/legaladvice and please be warned that this post is LONG.

I recently started working for a therapy company in July of this year, 2023. Since then, I’ve had both my 30-day and 60-day reviews. They were both below satisfactory. I have never had this issue in previous positions I’ve held so I’m not sure why any of these issues are coming up. The list is a bit long. Here are a few things that have happened in the last almost 3 months:

  • My boss clearly plays favorites and has responded to my counterpart in a more cheerful way. Their responses to my questions have always seemed monotone. There is a clear difference in the way they responded to my questions when we communicate via an online communication platform. I have been made to feel like a burden to the team by asking so many questions
  • They have claimed that I was “disinterested” in building peer relationships when they have clearly seen me interacting with others as much as I can. I’m also an anxious and introverted being so it definitely does not help my case.
  • Per another employee, I “said” that I was hoping for my boss to leave early so that I would be able to as well. This was misheard because I simply stated that only I wished to go home early. My commute to the office is almost 2 hours long and I missed my cats. This then led to me being disciplined and one of those actions were to come into the office daily. I let them know that I only took this job for the hybrid schedule and that one day in the office would work well for me, considering time and gas. They did not care.
  • I am the only one, between my counterpart and I, that has been sending DAILY status reports. Even though in my 60-day disciplinary form mentioned that I would only be sending these for 5 days. My boss doesn’t trust me.
  • I am constantly being reprimanded for mistakes in my work when I’ve noticed my counterpart and my own boss have made mistakes as well. These mistakes are ONLY mentioned during my performance reviews.
  • I often forget tasks because I get handed so many. Apparently I’m the problem even if my boss also forgets tasks as well. I mention them when we chat and they immediately thank me for reminding them.
  • I have not been trained properly. We have a skills development plan that should have been visited often. We have only visited this twice. Once on my first day and another at the end of last month. I was forced to rely on this spreadsheet and barely got any training. My boss was not meeting with me often and expected only me to be reaching out to them.
  • My boss meets with me daily while they meet with my counterpart every now and then. I think this is incredibly unfair due to my counterpart only being 1 month ahead of me. This was mentioned to HR and they also agreed that my boss should be meeting with my counterpart as well.
  • I was forced to notify my boss, their boss, and HR about my disabilities (anxiety, depression, and ADHD) when I did not want to disclose this on my application.
  • I mentioned just yesterday that I had a doctor’s appointment coming up on Thursday that I completely forgot about. My boss redirected this to HR to see if it would be ok for me to head home early without completing my 8 hours. For a doctor’s appointment. I doubt they will let me go and I will have to reschedule.
  • I have been forced to go into the office for 3 days a week when I have repeatedly tried to revisit this decision. I simply cannot afford the commute to and from work but alas, I still have to be here otherwise I will be terminated. Again, I am the only one who is doing this. I want to mention that I stupidly and humorously asked if they completed their last hour of work once they got home from the commute. They said NO. Why didn’t anyone hear this portion.

Is there anything I can do in this situation? What steps should I take? This job has put me under high stress enough for me to seriously miss my period. As well as not being able to sleep properly or be bothered to eat enough since I always think I’m screwing up and will be fired soon.

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