
I handed in my notice

Update from my initial post a couple of days ago I handed in my 1month notice yesterday (our laws in the country) My boss didnt take it well. She told me a bunch of things about not being grateful (of course not the words she used) She laughed because I put in a month's notice she said there's no way i was goimg to be able to turnover the tasks properly because i have no replacement and 1 momth is just not possible. She went on to tell me that i cant understand how much opportunity “fell on my lap” despite my age (24) and entry level experience because of the position she gave me. For context I work at her company, it's small, and i work with one other person. Literally, the conpany employs 3 people currently. You can imagine the workload that I have. It's not a joke.…

Update from my initial post a couple of days ago

I handed in my 1month notice yesterday (our laws in the country)

My boss didnt take it well. She told me a bunch of things about not being grateful (of course not the words she used)

She laughed because I put in a month's notice she said there's no way i was goimg to be able to turnover the tasks properly because i have no replacement and 1 momth is just not possible.

She went on to tell me that i cant understand how much opportunity “fell on my lap” despite my age (24) and entry level experience because of the position she gave me. For context I work at her company, it's small, and i work with one other person. Literally, the conpany employs 3 people currently. You can imagine the workload that I have. It's not a joke.

She refused to acknowledge my request to leave by the end of august and insisted that I at least owe her to stay until the end of the year. I offered to stay until september since there is a big event by that time and offered to assist until then. She just scoffed and said it was not possible. She said the time they have to look for a replacement and me having to train the person will take more than a month. So she wants me to stick until the end of year.

My reason for leaving mainly is because of her. She is terrible and i cannot keep working with her. But since i wanted to leave amicably and still have a good relationship with everyone I said I was moving back to my hometown. This was triggered by her casually telling me that I have a 2year LOCK IN contract with the company because she sent me to an international work trip (that turned out to be a horrible experience of overworking for a week) It was never made clear to me that there was a deal like that before giving in and accepting that work trip. I never signed anything prior.

Btw we never got paid overtime but we sometimes work on the weekends for more than 8 hours. She then asks me if they havent been generous enough with me when i ask for “long vacation leaves” to go back to my home town. First of all they were all “offsets” (when we work on the weekend we can atleast not work on a weekday if we offset that weekend work), second last christmas I took 2 week unpaid leave to go back home because i apparemtly did not have PTO yet despite working for a year at the company already.

She asks “don't i ask you if you're happy with the job?” what employee ever answered that question honestly of course you cant say how unhappy you are with your job because of your boss.

I am just certain that she will make my life a living hell after this and I dont think i can hold out until november. I just would rather die than deal with this. Ive been so suicidal and this does not help.

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