Annual requirements are a huge waste of time…
I work for a hospital and every year on your anniversary you're provided annual learning requirements you have to complete. The lessons are all clinical related (Emergency Alert System; Reporting Abuse; Medicare 72 Hour Rule, etc).
I'm not a doctor, nurse, nor technician. I mess up at least 2 band-aids trying to put on one.
AnDy HarDy, the squirrel that runs on a track on my brain is screaming “why do we need to know this? Why do we need to know the evacuation process at the hospital? We work from home!!! Our evacuation process is pick a door or window. Then poop, pee, vomit, and run. Not necessarily in that order and possibly all at the same time. “
I need my doctor to send them a note saying “this patient is exempt from any annual training that is not directly related to their job due to their anxiety and absolute inability to give a dayum. “
Otherwise, they need to include Sql coding, DAX, and Python coding in the test to even the playing field and make the testing a landmine for all employees.