
I hate being a poor person…

I've worked at Wendy's for a couple of months now, and it's awful. First off, the wage is laughable, $13/hour, I work four 10 hour days, because it's the only way I can make decent money for myself, so I work breakfast and lunch rush, the customers are awful, especially boomers. We have one boomer customer who comes in everyday, he smells like a fucking barn animal, and he's creepy to girls in the restaurant when he's there. Also, they love to yell at us about price changes, like we did it. Like yes sir, we totally changed the prices when we heard you were coming in, and want you to yell at us, you got me!. Last week, I had to call off for a day because my grandma needed help with her car. I texted my boss 2 hours before my shift, she told me I needed to…

I've worked at Wendy's for a couple of months now, and it's awful. First off, the wage is laughable, $13/hour, I work four 10 hour days, because it's the only way I can make decent money for myself, so I work breakfast and lunch rush, the customers are awful, especially boomers. We have one boomer customer who comes in everyday, he smells like a fucking barn animal, and he's creepy to girls in the restaurant when he's there. Also, they love to yell at us about price changes, like we did it. Like yes sir, we totally changed the prices when we heard you were coming in, and want you to yell at us, you got me!.

Last week, I had to call off for a day because my grandma needed help with her car. I texted my boss 2 hours before my shift, she told me I needed to find coverage, or I would get a write up for missing. I never found coverage & haven't got a write up (YET). My guess is, she either forgot about it, or said that to scare me. Either way, it's like, what the fuck? I tell you my grandma needs help, and I can't make it in because I need to help her, and your initial thought is to write me up? I understand “AcCounTaBiLiTy”, but you can hold people accountable, WITHOUT being an ass about it. This job is sucking the soul out of me.

I was in IEP classes in school, and never got into any AP classes, so no colleges have interest in me, and since graduation, I've been bouncing between entry level jobs that get me nowhere. Even then, college doesn't guarantee you anything in life, other than debt out the ass. I fucking hate this system, and how much propaganda we're fed. We live in a world, where trust fund babies tell us to “work harder” and we'll be like them. I'm 19, and have been working since I was 14, after high school, I started having to pay bills and all of my money is pretty much gone. I've worked the last 5 years of my life, and it's gotten me nowhere.

The hardest part about it? I have to accept the fact, that this is my life. With how things are looking for my generation, we'll all be working until we drop dead. We probably won't own houses, rent is unaffordable, and the wages aren't catching up. Is there even a point in life, if all you do is work? You can't even afford basic activities outside of work, everything is so goddamn expensive.

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