
I hate jobs

I hate jobs. And I know this is relatable to some, but will also become unrelatable quickly I’m 17, and all of my friends have jobs. I used to have one, but I had to quit. I would scoop ice cream, but the repetitive motion gave me carpal tunnel flareups for days. It just wasn’t sustainable. I really loved that job too. Since then, I haven’t been able to find a job. I’ve applied to 50+. I have muscular skeletal hyper mobility syndrome. Which you may read and go oh yeah, the thumb to wrist thing! While yes, I can do that, it’s honestly ruining my life. I have an insufficient amount of collagen, meaning that my joints will pop out of place, with subluxations or dislocations. These are extremely painful. I can’t stand or walk for long periods of time without a mobility aid. And still being in high…

I hate jobs. And I know this is relatable to some, but will also become unrelatable quickly

I’m 17, and all of my friends have jobs. I used to have one, but I had to quit. I would scoop ice cream, but the repetitive motion gave me carpal tunnel flareups for days. It just wasn’t sustainable. I really loved that job too.

Since then, I haven’t been able to find a job. I’ve applied to 50+.

I have muscular skeletal hyper mobility syndrome. Which you may read and go oh yeah, the thumb to wrist thing! While yes, I can do that, it’s honestly ruining my life.

I have an insufficient amount of collagen, meaning that my joints will pop out of place, with subluxations or dislocations. These are extremely painful. I can’t stand or walk for long periods of time without a mobility aid.

And still being in high school with no sort of degree, most jobs I would be able to get require standing or walking for long periods of time.

The labor force just doesn’t work for me. There are ADA policies that protect me, but those policies don’t just erase internal bias.

It just sucks. I hate that all of my friends have jobs, and if I were to get one they would likely discriminate against me. (There are other factors than disability that one could discriminate against me for).

I just feel so lost and frustrated with the labor force as a whole.

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