
I hate my colleague, appearance, personality, everything. What is the move here?

​ I have a colleague who's a dork. Conversations with him are ALWAYS him interrupting and talking too much. And the conversations often go where he starts something like “Did you know there is a snake in papua new guinea with three balls instead of two”..or some shit like this. I hate him to the core. He has absolutely no social skills, no friends, is frugal, and has a shitty life. He yawns every 2 minutes and is sleepy and red-eyed after 10 am, spreading low-energy vibes in the office. I have a lot more reasons to hate him. To add to this, he dresses like a woman while being straight(he said so). I don't mean some tasteful feminine additions for a well-balanced look. It is disgusting. He shows up with a two-day stubble on his face, long smooth hair, painted nails, and flip-flops. Unfortunately, there is no dress code…

I have a colleague who's a dork. Conversations with him are ALWAYS him interrupting and talking too much. And the conversations often go where he starts something like “Did you know there is a snake in papua new guinea with three balls instead of two”..or some shit like this. I hate him to the core. He has absolutely no social skills, no friends, is frugal, and has a shitty life. He yawns every 2 minutes and is sleepy and red-eyed after 10 am, spreading low-energy vibes in the office. I have a lot more reasons to hate him. To add to this, he dresses like a woman while being straight(he said so). I don't mean some tasteful feminine additions for a well-balanced look. It is disgusting. He shows up with a two-day stubble on his face, long smooth hair, painted nails, and flip-flops. Unfortunately, there is no dress code at work.

Now I need some advice. I know I shouldn't care about his existence or how he looks. Me hating him is just a distraction for my mind, unless I tell him so. Which I would never do since I can't quit this job for the next 3 years. However, sometimes my hate spills in indirect ways. I try to control it as much as possible. Talking shit about him to my friends circle outside my office makes me feel better, and so does typing this out to Reddit on a Sunday morning. How can I heal myself in this situation? How can I stop caring about this fa***tt?

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