
I hate my job and feel like I’m the problem

I hate my job and it’s my fault I’m 25. Graduated college with a 4.0 but a painfully generic degree. Spent a year trying to find a job and finally landed what seemed like a good one. Over a month in now and I hate it. The drive is far, the environment is slow and insanely quiet. No one is even remotely near my age. I was hired as a media specialist but they basically just have me making generic social media posts and Canva graphics. I feel guilty complaining when so many others have it so much worse but I just hate it so much. I have tried so hard to find a way I can work a job that also allows me to be creative and have that balance and here I am. I see no jobs I both am interested in or qualified for anywhere on any…

I hate my job and it’s my fault

I’m 25. Graduated college with a 4.0 but a painfully generic degree. Spent a year trying to find a job and finally landed what seemed like a good one. Over a month in now and I hate it. The drive is far, the environment is slow and insanely quiet. No one is even remotely near my age. I was hired as a media specialist but they basically just have me making generic social media posts and Canva graphics.

I feel guilty complaining when so many others have it so much worse but I just hate it so much. I have tried so hard to find a way I can work a job that also allows me to be creative and have that balance and here I am. I see no jobs I both am interested in or qualified for anywhere on any job boards. I desperately want to quit as I feel like my bosses can tell I don’t want to be there and am unhappy with my work. I have been late a couple times due to the traffic of the long commute so I don’t feel like I’m in any position to really discuss my unhappiness with the position with my bosses.

I shouldn’t be complaining. I know work isn’t supposed to be fun. I shouldn’t be so unhappy with my current situation but I just am. Has me feeling hopeless today. I am just not a happy enough person outside of work to be able to just grind through a boring monotonous day at the office and I am crippled by the fear that I never will be.

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