
I hate my job and going back is depressing as hell

I guess this is more of a venting thing but I recently just got married to the love of my life and had the most amazing 3 weeks! However I work as GP receptionist and I'm genuinely dreading returning to work. The people I work with are lovely and all, however the actual work is toxic af. Everyday, I get yelled at or called names because I can't give people what they want and when I come home I'm so burnt out from it all that I can't do anything. When I was off I immediately felt better, like a weight was lifted. I didn't have to worry about people treating me like the scum of the earth for doing a job, I don't want to do and have no power to chage anything. The NHS is falling to shit and we're at the forefront of it, everyday I get…

I guess this is more of a venting thing but I recently just got married to the love of my life and had the most amazing 3 weeks! However I work as GP receptionist and I'm genuinely dreading returning to work. The people I work with are lovely and all, however the actual work is toxic af. Everyday, I get yelled at or called names because I can't give people what they want and when I come home I'm so burnt out from it all that I can't do anything. When I was off I immediately felt better, like a weight was lifted. I didn't have to worry about people treating me like the scum of the earth for doing a job, I don't want to do and have no power to chage anything. The NHS is falling to shit and we're at the forefront of it, everyday I get inudated with called from people threatening to end their lives or begging me for prescription drugs and to be honest I'm live on my nerves. I just don't have the heart to do this anymore but I can't leave because there is nothing else. I want to retrain but I can't afford any courses because our pay is so shit. I'm living pay check to pay check and I see nothing for it. As soon as something comes up I'm out but I don't know when that'll be. I just needed to vent really! I know GP receptionists aren't well respected and I'm sorry to anyone who has had a negative experience with the health service. Hopefully something will come up soon!

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