
I hate my job and my company.

My job has been hell lately. A few weeks ago, my supervisor sent an email discussing unprofessional workplace behavior and our work values. The email itself was pretty unprofessional, vague, and downright anxiety-inducing— lots of vaguely threatening language too. A week later, I expressed that my morale was low. My boss immediately went on the defensive and asked to give her examples to show why. I explained my reasons (poor treatment by coworkers / management, lack of communication, empty promises, layoffs) and she basically lashed out and said I’m a hypocrite and told me that email was about me (and a few of my coworkers). She told me someone had complained to her, but she didn’t have any context or proof. I refuted the allegation and she didn’t believe me. I met with HR to express how I feel about the situation and I’m informed that HR was never informed…

My job has been hell lately.

A few weeks ago, my supervisor sent an email discussing unprofessional workplace behavior and our work values. The email itself was pretty unprofessional, vague, and downright anxiety-inducing— lots of vaguely threatening language too.

A week later, I expressed that my morale was low. My boss immediately went on the defensive and asked to give her examples to show why. I explained my reasons (poor treatment by coworkers / management, lack of communication, empty promises, layoffs) and she basically lashed out and said I’m a hypocrite and told me that email was about me (and a few of my coworkers). She told me someone had complained to her, but she didn’t have any context or proof. I refuted the allegation and she didn’t believe me. I met with HR to express how I feel about the situation and I’m informed that HR was never informed nor were the other departments supervisors (despite the allegations including their direct reports).

This all came to a head last week when my boss adjusted my EOY evaluation and deducted points from my score (which affects my bonus). She told me she wouldn’t write down the reasons so that it wouldn’t be kept on record— the areas she reduced the score correlate to the context of the email. And these updates came conveniently after I asked HR about an unpaid bonus (which my boss snapped at me for inquiring about an update— this bonus is 6 months late). My boss continues to treat me differently; I used to be her go to person and now I’m not, she’s cutting me off in meetings, micromanaging me, and it’s causing me so much stress.

I want to leave this company but I can’t until I find a new job. I’m just so stressed and miserable.

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