
I hate my scum “manager”.

He is a manager, but has no actual experience in dealing with people, only with the work he has. He lied to me more than 6 times because he thought I would blatantly believe him even though I had evidence to the contrary. First he said we would recheck my salary every couple months or so. He never did. When I asked for a performance review + raise, he mentioned a “company policy” and that he could not do that. A year later I asked again and got no response. He seemed super friendly and nice at first, only to manipulate my work assignments. I still have not gotten over that. I do the work he hates and the work that no one else in the company can do flawlessly. He does not give me work when I ask for it, even though by his own words and performance metrics…

He is a manager, but has no actual experience in dealing with people, only with the work he has.

He lied to me more than 6 times because he thought I would blatantly believe him even though I had evidence to the contrary. First he said we would recheck my salary every couple months or so. He never did. When I asked for a performance review + raise, he mentioned a “company policy” and that he could not do that. A year later I asked again and got no response.

He seemed super friendly and nice at first, only to manipulate my work assignments. I still have not gotten over that. I do the work he hates and the work that no one else in the company can do flawlessly.

He does not give me work when I ask for it, even though by his own words and performance metrics I am excellent at what I do.

Because he is afraid of my success and career progression, he has told me several times not to communicate with anyone at the company, but to talk to him first. This also applies to ideas that have not been credited to me.

To make matters worse, his psycho-brain has been correcting my work for over a year now. Even when my work is amazing according to HIS own words and an objective comparison, he changes it. He even changed his own work once after saying everything was perfect. But it wasn't. He torments me for God knows what reason. I think he's actually sick in the head.

I asked him to give me some sensible feedback so I can see what I can do better. I asked him mostly because I wanted to see if he was actually sick in the head or if I needed to improve somewhere, but he said he “didn't have time” and then never did while he continued to “correct” my work…

This is a psycho case and I need to GTFO from here ASAP. What can help me on this journey?

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