If you dont micromanage and maximise your free time – you have bascially now life. Sit down and relax after work – sure you can do that. But in that half an hour you could have done 100 different things and this half an hour is missing from your schedule. Work bascially forces us to maximise our free time and I hate it.
Eating healthy? Well better make a detailed plan to the last sub atomic nutrient unit in order to be able to cook it and when to consume it.
Like reading? Well if you want to read more than like 20 books in a year – you better plan exact time slots when you can/should read and you have to stick to them.
Going to the gym? Has to be minutely planned and squeezed between all your other activities if you want to have any time left besides work/gym.
No time for relaxing/rest during your free time – maximum efficiency and micromanagement.