
I hate this country.

The mask mandate for my area got lifted ages ago. I'm completely vaxxed and boosted. I started developing a head cold at the beginning of the week, so as a courtesy to my fellow employees, I've been wearing a mask. I've tested daily for Covid and it's been negative, but I have had recent contact with someone who did test positive. The number of stares and odd looks I've gotten from my coworkers would have withered the hardiest of plants. I can't tell you the number of times that I've had to explain, “No. It's just a head cold. I'll go through a box of tissues today and I'll be fine tomorrow. It's not Covid.” It's been, to say the least, exhausting. Just asked our HR guy what the policy is on COVID and if we're still eligible for the two weeks paid thing. He said no, you have to…

The mask mandate for my area got lifted ages ago. I'm completely vaxxed and boosted.

I started developing a head cold at the beginning of the week, so as a courtesy to my fellow employees, I've been wearing a mask. I've tested daily for Covid and it's been negative, but I have had recent contact with someone who did test positive. The number of stares and odd looks I've gotten from my coworkers would have withered the hardiest of plants. I can't tell you the number of times that I've had to explain, “No. It's just a head cold. I'll go through a box of tissues today and I'll be fine tomorrow. It's not Covid.” It's been, to say the least, exhausting.

Just asked our HR guy what the policy is on COVID and if we're still eligible for the two weeks paid thing. He said no, you have to use your accrued paid time off. I have 8 hours of “sick” PTO, because I've only been a full time employee for 3 months.

Guess who's coming to work sick because I can't fucking afford to be sick at home, with no pay. My cold cannot pay bills. Covid can't pay bills. My used tissues can't pay bills.

Even if, god forbid, I do test positive, I have to go to work. In every other first world country, I would have been sent home immediately, and been paid for the time until I wasn't sick any more.

A friend of mine put it best:

“hmm, we could pay this one guy to stay home for a week while he gets over covid, or we could pay the ten people that are gonna get sick from forcing him into the office to stay home. if only there were some solution to this dilemma”

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