
I hate where I work

Title says it all. I love what I do and not to be cocky but I’m very good at it. I work in a shop where the “lead man” doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t care about the department at all. About a year ago I talked with the plant manager about taking over the department, and laid out what I have done and can do to improve our area and showed a list of everything. And I never threw the lead man under the bus because I won’t do that, it feels wrong. And he basically told me he knows I can do so much but he doesn’t want to step on the old guys toes and to wait till he retires in a few years. So ever since then I’ve stopped trying and doing the extra work to push our department. I still show up everyday and do…

Title says it all. I love what I do and not to be cocky but I’m very good at it. I work in a shop where the “lead man” doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t care about the department at all. About a year ago I talked with the plant manager about taking over the department, and laid out what I have done and can do to improve our area and showed a list of everything. And I never threw the lead man under the bus because I won’t do that, it feels wrong. And he basically told me he knows I can do so much but he doesn’t want to step on the old guys toes and to wait till he retires in a few years. So ever since then I’ve stopped trying and doing the extra work to push our department. I still show up everyday and do great work. I’m just sick of asking the lead man what the plan is with the response of “ let’s just try and look busy today” and watching him duck off all day when so much could get done and growth could happen. I should just quit. I hate working here and just needed to vent

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