
I hate working for someone else

Does anyone else just hate working for someone? When I do work myself at home I’m in such a good headspace and my productivity shoots through the roof. But what is it that I just can’t match that energy at work, working for someone else? I don’t mind my job right now. It’s not going to be my forever job. (I needed to get out of my previous job and this is where I landed.) but I’ll never match the feeling I get when I do something on my own, even if it’s just doing yard work or anything with productive value at home on my own. When I punch into work I just want to do nothing. I feel like I have no control over my life and I hate it. I just feel like I am not made to be an employee in any circumstance. Can anyone else…

Does anyone else just hate working for someone? When I do work myself at home I’m in such a good headspace and my productivity shoots through the roof. But what is it that I just can’t match that energy at work, working for someone else? I don’t mind my job right now. It’s not going to be my forever job. (I needed to get out of my previous job and this is where I landed.) but I’ll never match the feeling I get when I do something on my own, even if it’s just doing yard work or anything with productive value at home on my own. When I punch into work I just want to do nothing. I feel like I have no control over my life and I hate it. I just feel like I am not made to be an employee in any circumstance. Can anyone else relate?

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