
I hate working in public service and people so hard

I am a librarian and I have never met so many stupid people in my life. Today I had a woman try to scan the screen with our barcode reader. On the screen it said, “tap to begin” and somehow that translated to “I'm going to scan it instead”. I am so sick of entitled assholes who are never prepared for what they have to do, and then get mad at ME because of it. If you know you're going to need an envelope, a folder, or a stamp, then bring that with you. Also, NO we do not sell fucking stamps! We are not a post office! I'm sick of people having very loud conversations on their phones so that everyone in the building can hear them, and I'm sick of hearing “I don't know how to use a computer” from people who have had more than enough time…

I am a librarian and I have never met so many stupid people in my life. Today I had a woman try to scan the screen with our barcode reader. On the screen it said, “tap to begin” and somehow that translated to “I'm going to scan it instead”.

I am so sick of entitled assholes who are never prepared for what they have to do, and then get mad at ME because of it. If you know you're going to need an envelope, a folder, or a stamp, then bring that with you. Also, NO we do not sell fucking stamps! We are not a post office!

I'm sick of people having very loud conversations on their phones so that everyone in the building can hear them, and I'm sick of hearing “I don't know how to use a computer” from people who have had more than enough time in their life to at least learn the basics. A woman last week tried to use the mouse by putting it ON THE SCREEN.

We are a library and in public service, but that does not translate into “Let me fill out a job application for you.” But somehow people think that's what we are here to do.

I just needed to vent because it has been a very trying day with a bunch of patrons who act like toddlers. Sometimes I wonder how these people are able to dress themselves.

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