
I have a feeling my new manager is going to be a nightmare – looking for advice/direction

My job is merging with another company. I got confirmation from another co-worker we will “formally close our doors” sometime soon, but we have have no information on when this will be. I've been given an opportunity to work under the new company at the same pay and what I'm doing now, but taking on new responsibilities others “don't have time for.” I know I'm doing the work no one else wants to do. I know who I will be working under. I HAVE worked directly with her roughly once a week 30 min to 2 hours (yes, that little) over the last 3 months (this was to increase revenue. She “volunteered” her time, but it was clear she didn't care). I can't speak on any else's experience. But my first impression of her was not good. Working with her was horrible, even that small amount of time. Nothing I…

My job is merging with another company. I got confirmation from another co-worker we will “formally close our doors” sometime soon, but we have have no information on when this will be. I've been given an opportunity to work under the new company at the same pay and what I'm doing now, but taking on new responsibilities others “don't have time for.” I know I'm doing the work no one else wants to do.

I know who I will be working under. I HAVE worked directly with her roughly once a week 30 min to 2 hours (yes, that little) over the last 3 months (this was to increase revenue. She “volunteered” her time, but it was clear she didn't care). I can't speak on any else's experience. But my first impression of her was not good. Working with her was horrible, even that small amount of time. Nothing I did or said was good enough. Whatever reason I gave for not hitting some arbitrary goal she had was “just an excuse and I don't accept excuses.” When I asked for clarification, she acted like she already gave me all the information I needed. I was very lost and confused with what she needed and wanted. Even trying to get more direction from my supervisor and manager, they just told me to wing it. THEY didn't even know what she wanted from me. The first thing she said to me after the announcement was “I'm surprised you're still here, honestly.” So, I'm convinced she was trying to get me to quit (granted, I was since my hours got cut, NOT HER).
If this was my experience NOT working under her, I'm scared of what it will be TO work under her. I asked my supervisor and manager for their input (as they worked with her more) and they said that she treats us like this since “we're the other.” That her attitude may change once we are part of her staff, because she treats them better. I'm struggling to believe that. I really feel that she may single me (and other co-workers) out and make this situation a nightmare.

I'm stuck because I don't really have an option to decline this position, as much as I do not want it. We can't afford to live on just my husband's income until I find a new job or for when unemployment kicks in, if I even qualify. I am still applying for a new job. With the current market, it's hard to say when I'll be able to quit, if they choose to hire me.

I am going to ask for everything in writing, though. I plan to send her an email with questions I have. I did call her and texted her last week and this week. Both times she sent me to voicemail or replied “Sorry, super busy. I'll call you back.” But she hasn't.

I'm not planning to give my actual work speed and do the bare minimum for the day. I am welcoming to any advice, questions I should ask, or anti-work ideas I can implement.

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