
I have a question…

And I’m almost positive I know the correct answer lol. We had a meeting at work today and discussing wages came up. And we were told that in our handbook it states that we could be fired on the spot for discussing wages with other employees. I know this to be absolutely false. So I’m going to go back in the handbook and look for this and if it’s in there should I report it to the labor board or something? I’ve not been threatened with my job directly over this but I’ve been told multiple times by my boss and the building administrator that it was a fireable offense. Is this true? Edit: I am in the us.

And I’m almost positive I know the correct answer lol.

We had a meeting at work today and discussing wages came up. And we were told that in our handbook it states that we could be fired on the spot for discussing wages with other employees. I know this to be absolutely false. So I’m going to go back in the handbook and look for this and if it’s in there should I report it to the labor board or something? I’ve not been threatened with my job directly over this but I’ve been told multiple times by my boss and the building administrator that it was a fireable offense. Is this true?

Edit: I am in the us.

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