
I have a work contract, and they’re not paying me for Thanksgiving or the day after even though the business is closed, and I cannot work.

Sorry to vent. First off, I know in advance, 100% my fault for trusting a company of any kind. When I signed up with them, my recruiter told me over the phone that it I cannot work due to the company's choice (they send me home early, they're closed that day, etc.), I will still earn the full day's pay because it wasn't my choice to miss work. I literally don't have to option to work. This has proven true times I was sent home early. I was still paid what they call “guaranteed hours.” Apparently, this does not extend to days the business is closed. Well, my previous placements were all at places where this never came up. I was always able to work, work from home, or didn't work on a holiday anyway. Now it has come up, and when I emailed to confirm I would be paid…

Sorry to vent. First off, I know in advance, 100% my fault for trusting a company of any kind. When I signed up with them, my recruiter told me over the phone that it I cannot work due to the company's choice (they send me home early, they're closed that day, etc.), I will still earn the full day's pay because it wasn't my choice to miss work. I literally don't have to option to work. This has proven true times I was sent home early. I was still paid what they call “guaranteed hours.” Apparently, this does not extend to days the business is closed.

Well, my previous placements were all at places where this never came up. I was always able to work, work from home, or didn't work on a holiday anyway.

Now it has come up, and when I emailed to confirm I would be paid for Thursday and Friday since my current placement is closer, they told me no.

Technically I am an employee of the agency I contract for. I am not a private contractor no 1099, etc.). I checked over my contract I signed, and there was no straight answer. Lesson learned. Check contracts more carefully. Obviously, I know there is no law that requires holiday pay, but it seems like BS to me. I haven't not been paid for a holiday I was forced to take off since I worked in retail in my early-20's. Anyway, just venting. The pay overall is still worth it. I'm just losing a lot of money by not working those days, and it fucking sucks.

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