
I have an a-hole coworker

So I work part time at a pizza place. Thank goodness it’s only part time because there’s this guy (I’ll call him “Dick”) I’m stuck with on Sundays. He just exudes an air of negativity. He’s barking orders at me, telling me what I do wrong, and creating unnecessary hassles for the customers and for the servers that nobody else does (which doesn’t happen often but it does happen). He always makes me doubt the quality of my work (spoiler alert – he NEVER says anything nice to or about me). Whenever I’m taking phone orders or in-person orders, and he’s not busy, he’s watching over my shoulder (as someone with social anxiety disorder, this turns my anxiety up to eleven). He’s genuinely very hard to work with. Yet he’s all cheery and buddy-buddy with the managers and kitchen workers. He’ll cover for them before he’ll cover for me. I…

So I work part time at a pizza place. Thank goodness it’s only part time because there’s this guy (I’ll call him “Dick”) I’m stuck with on Sundays. He just exudes an air of negativity. He’s barking orders at me, telling me what I do wrong, and creating unnecessary hassles for the customers and for the servers that nobody else does (which doesn’t happen often but it does happen). He always makes me doubt the quality of my work (spoiler alert – he NEVER says anything nice to or about me). Whenever I’m taking phone orders or in-person orders, and he’s not busy, he’s watching over my shoulder (as someone with social anxiety disorder, this turns my anxiety up to eleven). He’s genuinely very hard to work with. Yet he’s all cheery and buddy-buddy with the managers and kitchen workers. He’ll cover for them before he’ll cover for me. I have another coworker (a really cool server/cashier whom I work well with and feel comfortable around) who agrees with me about Dick.

And the cherry on top? Dick is just an ordinary server/cashier like me. If he was a manager, I’d be more okay with his behaviour. I understand it’s a manager’s job to give constructive criticism to their employees. But Dick thinks that just because he’s been with this company a while and that he can do all the tasks, that he’s all high and mighty. Like, who died and made him the GM? I have some coworkers that will offer friendly suggestions for improvement but end it with a positive note.

My self-esteem within this company (and in general) is shot because of him. Thank goodness I am a substitute teacher full-time because that job is more fun, positive, and rewarding.

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