
I have Covid and my job wants me to work.

So apparently the mandates around Covid have because extremely relaxed and now state that you can still work if you test positive for Covid as long as you don’t have a fever and you wear a mask. I emailed-in sick from work for a week because I have Covid and due to other medical conditions, I want to be fully recovered before I get back to my physically demanding job. But they told me if I don’t have a fever, I need to come in anyway. I emailed back and said that I won’t be coming in because 1. I’m sick, 2. We have immunocompromised employees, 3. We have a lot of elderly customers and 4. Just because I didn’t have a fever then, doesn’t mean a fever wouldn’t develop (which it has, btw). They replied back that they don’t take personal opinion into consideration about the safety of working…

So apparently the mandates around Covid have because extremely relaxed and now state that you can still work if you test positive for Covid as long as you don’t have a fever and you wear a mask.

I emailed-in sick from work for a week because I have Covid and due to other medical conditions, I want to be fully recovered before I get back to my physically demanding job. But they told me if I don’t have a fever, I need to come in anyway. I emailed back and said that I won’t be coming in because 1. I’m sick, 2. We have immunocompromised employees, 3. We have a lot of elderly customers and 4. Just because I didn’t have a fever then, doesn’t mean a fever wouldn’t develop (which it has, btw).
They replied back that they don’t take personal opinion into consideration about the safety of working with Covid, they have to just follow the mandates and so they expect me to come back after two days.
Fine. Fair enough that they have to follow government guidelines and company policies.
But so can I.
I had a telephone consultation with my doctor and she sent over a note excusing me from work for a week for medical reasons. I replied to their latest email with nothing but the note. I’ll see them in a week like I told them I would.

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