
I have lost all hope

I've had so many different jobs, and grown to hate them all. I've had some great jobs, and still hated them. I feel like I hate everything that's not 100% voluntary from my side. I grow resentful towards everything I have to do that I can't to 100% my own way. It makes me feel like a piece of shit really, maybe I just don't wanna work, maybe I'm lazy scumbag. My job is probably one of the best jobs in the world btw, I should be graceful, but I'm not. I fucking hate it. My boss is the nicest guy ever and I hate him. My colleges pull the load for me when I am sick, without complaining, which is more and more frequent. They seem to love me. They're super nice people and I hate being there. I get insomnia, wake up in the middle of the night…

I've had so many different jobs, and grown to hate them all. I've had some great jobs, and still hated them. I feel like I hate everything that's not 100% voluntary from my side. I grow resentful towards everything I have to do that I can't to 100% my own way. It makes me feel like a piece of shit really, maybe I just don't wanna work, maybe I'm lazy scumbag. My job is probably one of the best jobs in the world btw, I should be graceful, but I'm not. I fucking hate it. My boss is the nicest guy ever and I hate him. My colleges pull the load for me when I am sick, without complaining, which is more and more frequent. They seem to love me. They're super nice people and I hate being there. I get insomnia, wake up in the middle of the night and have nightmares of doing my job, even though it's probably one of the nicest chillest job I could ever have.

So here we go again, down the only road I've ever known. I'm gonna quit my job again, maybe I'll just live on the street for the rest of my life, i bet it's less stressful than having to be at some place at the same time for the rest of my life. I would cry if I could. I'm gonna loose the apartment and have to move somewhere cheap and ugly and far away from everything that I love. I'm stuck in a modern nightmare and nobody seems understands. Help

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