
I have lost my respect to companies, bosses and colleagues

I have always lived by the motto “respect everyone” and was always behaving like that but i started losing that since my first job 5 years ago. First Job: i started working as a working student for a company of 2 people and was running projects on my own and then i have quit in the middle of the project because i was clearly underpaid and worked 60+ hours a week in a toxic environment. After i quit and started a new job the old employer sent an Email to me with a CC to my new company saying that i didn't work as a software engineer but rather as a social media something and was trying his best in the email to make me look bad. I called them on the phone saying what is wrong with you, they answered that it's because i have quit in the middle…

I have always lived by the motto “respect everyone” and was always behaving like that but i started losing that since my first job 5 years ago.

First Job:

i started working as a working student for a company of 2 people and was running projects on my own and then i have quit in the middle of the project because i was clearly underpaid and worked 60+ hours a week in a toxic environment. After i quit and started a new job the old employer sent an Email to me with a CC to my new company saying that i didn't work as a software engineer but rather as a social media something and was trying his best in the email to make me look bad. I called them on the phone saying what is wrong with you, they answered that it's because i have quit in the middle of the project.

second job:

it was after that 2 people job, this company is a little bigger, around 15 people, but even with 15 people i had my first experience with office politics. on my first day, one coworker accused me of stealing his expensive mouse because he left it right beside me and it's gone, the boss had to search my bag and i felt so embarrassed and humiliated. i worked there for 2 years just because i needed money to continue financing my college education and i had developed a romantic relationship to a girl there, one time i was walking beside her talking about tango dancing and my boss walking in front of us trying to hear the conversation, i said hey to him, and suddenly he pushed me away and kept talking with her after that i have quit again.

i was without a job for 4 months until i found something

third job:

i have worked hard to build a project in a newly founded team, i thought i will get promoted or something because i was very underpaid, my manager changed and my new boss is someone who didn't like me from day one, so he brought his friend as a lead on the team and project. there was no promotion in sight so i changed to another company.

fourth job:

this was at a fashion company in Berlin. I have passed the probation period and by then it's very hard to fire me. i had a very good manager at the beginning, he was supportive, empathetic and a good human being. after that he changed with a new one, the new guy stayed under the radar for his probation period and after that the bullying began. I always had a normal 1:1 meetings with him until one day he started screaming saying that i was passive aggressive, all my colleagues hate me, i will never get promoted and my work is shit and he wanted me to change companies, i have made a meeting with all my colleagues to ask them if i was really passive aggressive, they have all denied it and one of them told me that the manager was persuading him to testify falsely against me. I talked to the diversity team and they assured me that they can help me with that. the problem was, he was the head of engineering so my career is basically over at that company, although i could have gone to the police or lawyered up to fight back. i have decided to leave.

fifth job:

i worked my ass off and was a good boy, only for the manager to humiliate me at the end saying bullshit excuses like i don't work hard and so on. the real reason to fire me was because he wanted to bring his best friend from Iran to Europe and replace me by him.


I'm very depressed and wish to die everyday.

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