
I have PTSD and I’m being hospitalized for it, work denies my FMLA leave. I’m not fired… yet.

I work at a resort hotel and this week my boss decided to work me 6 days straight. I normally wouldn't have a problem with it but work has started to become increasingly difficult due to staffing and poor scheduling. This past Saturday, I had a coworker trigger a very intense panic attack, one that resulted in me vomiting and calling the suicide hotline to be admitted into the hospital for in patient treatment. My supervisor who watched the whole thing happen refused to be empathetic with me and instead reminded me of our attendance policy and how in order to make up for points lost, I had to work another week straight, essentially giving up my only day off. My attack lasted about an hour and I walked out of work. I went to the ER and we decided to do a few days of outpatient treatment til I…

I work at a resort hotel and this week my boss decided to work me 6 days straight. I normally wouldn't have a problem with it but work has started to become increasingly difficult due to staffing and poor scheduling. This past Saturday, I had a coworker trigger a very intense panic attack, one that resulted in me vomiting and calling the suicide hotline to be admitted into the hospital for in patient treatment. My supervisor who watched the whole thing happen refused to be empathetic with me and instead reminded me of our attendance policy and how in order to make up for points lost, I had to work another week straight, essentially giving up my only day off. My attack lasted about an hour and I walked out of work. I went to the ER and we decided to do a few days of outpatient treatment til I figured something out with HR. I explained the situation to both my supervisor, director, and HR to fill out a leave of absence. It was denied due to “business reasons” and I'm probably going to be fully admitted tonight. My work knows I'm disabled and that I have these needs. We've talked about accommodations before, but I guess I was too lenient. I don't know. I'm just dumbfounded and a bit scared that a disorder I cannot control will possibly get me fired.

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