
I have the best damn job.

It's the dream to have a job where you get paid well and don't have to do much. I'm in IT, I don't wanna say too much more than that but that describes my job perfectly. I work from home or really anywhere with an internet connection and doesn't have to be a great connection as I don't have to be on any zoom calls or anything. Once a month and that's it. No video required, ever. I watch movies, play PS5, watch shows, travel, whatever I want. It's great. The only catch is I work swing shift but it's not graveyard so it's more like just staying up a little later than I would normally. I get paid pretty well too. I could put in a bunch of extra work and get promoted to have more responsibility and more pay but nobody expects me to. I sometimes get frustrated…

It's the dream to have a job where you get paid well and don't have to do much. I'm in IT, I don't wanna say too much more than that but that describes my job perfectly. I work from home or really anywhere with an internet connection and doesn't have to be a great connection as I don't have to be on any zoom calls or anything. Once a month and that's it. No video required, ever.

I watch movies, play PS5, watch shows, travel, whatever I want. It's great. The only catch is I work swing shift but it's not graveyard so it's more like just staying up a little later than I would normally.

I get paid pretty well too. I could put in a bunch of extra work and get promoted to have more responsibility and more pay but nobody expects me to.

I sometimes get frustrated when people judge me for how easy my job is but the truth is I worked my fucking ass off to get to this point. Changed my career after a decade in sales and went to school for a year to learn what I needed to do a job like this.

Anyone else love their job like me?

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