
I have to apply to the job I already have.

Just using this to vent. So at the beginning of summer I was brought on to this company in an interim position. The last person in this role left very little instructions, so I've spent most of my time just trying to get the pieces in order. I've gotten along very well with my team and the boss liked me enough to offer the position full-time. They'd rather keep me on than train someone new. This was stated to me multiple times verbally and in writing, the board also agreed to this. Then a few weeks ago my boss had to quit due to health reasons and they brought in a new one. I've been nervous ever since they started because my original contract ends this month, but I've just been trucking along and trying to get things done. When the new boss first started one of the first questions…

Just using this to vent.

So at the beginning of summer I was brought on to this company in an interim position. The last person in this role left very little instructions, so I've spent most of my time just trying to get the pieces in order. I've gotten along very well with my team and the boss liked me enough to offer the position full-time. They'd rather keep me on than train someone new. This was stated to me multiple times verbally and in writing, the board also agreed to this.

Then a few weeks ago my boss had to quit due to health reasons and they brought in a new one. I've been nervous ever since they started because my original contract ends this month, but I've just been trucking along and trying to get things done. When the new boss first started one of the first questions I asked was what they're intentions were for me? They said they didn't want to make any changes that the previous boss had set in motion at least until next year.

But this morning my new boss pulled me aside and said they're going to open the position I currently have for hire. They stated very plainly that I will have to apply just like everyone else. So I need to apply for the job I already have! I literally wrote down the fucking instructions and now they want to look for someone else.

I'm seriously debating jumping ship now instead of playing this will they/won't they bs. The pay is good and I love the people I work with. But there's a lot of issues with the business that will take a long time to fix. I've still got the rest of the month before my contract ends, so I may just decline to continue after that.

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