
I have to wake up at 6AM to take my boyfriend to work

I’m his only mode of transportation, he can’t take the bus because he doesn’t have the money to buy a buss pass every morning and his boss refuses to change his hours so I’m the one who has to drive him to work at 6 in the fucking morning and it’s terrible because I can’t go back to sleep, and when I do get to go back to sleep I have to wake up in the next few hours so I can pick him up. Idk what to do.

I’m his only mode of transportation, he can’t take the bus because he doesn’t have the money to buy a buss pass every morning and his boss refuses to change his hours so I’m the one who has to drive him to work at 6 in the fucking morning and it’s terrible because I can’t go back to sleep, and when I do get to go back to sleep I have to wake up in the next few hours so I can pick him up. Idk what to do.

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